
Quartz vs. Granite

September 11, 2022 | Countertop, Granite Countertops, Kitchen Countertops, Quartz Countertops

stone countertops

When it comes to choosing a countertop, Quartz or Granite may seem like the most common choices. Both materials being so versatile, they are both great for countertops. But is one better than the other? Let’s dive into their advantages and find out for yourself what may be the better choice for you.

Many homeowners choose natural stones for their countertops because they are beautiful and durable. The most well-known stone in the natural stone category is granite. While granite is a popular choice for kitchen countertops, it isn't the only stone that works well as a countertop surface. Another popular option is quartz. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages, but it is important to consider which type of stone will work best for your home and lifestyle before making your decision

Quartz is a very versatile material that can be used in many different ways. Because quartz is man-made, it can be colored and mixed with other materials to produce various effects. This makes quartz a great choice for countertops because it can be tailored specifically to your needs. Unlike granite, quartz is also non-porous, so it won't stain or absorb liquids. It is also very durable, so it will last for years to come without looking worn or damaged.

On the other hand, granite is considered a classic when it comes to kitchen countertops. It is also a very durable, low-maintenance material that is heat and scratch resistant. However, the porous nature of granite means that it can absorb liquids, leaving it susceptible to stains over time. If you have young children, it can be difficult to keep a granite countertop clean. With so many advantages to both quartz and granite, the decision can be difficult to make.

Advantages of Quartz Countertops
  • Non-porous: Never has to seal it. You never need to worry about oil stains or water spots on your countertop again!
  • Easy to maintain: Just use a cleaning agent that is safe for quartz countertops and you're good to go!
  • Variant Color options: There is a huge variety of colors to choose from so you can find the perfect look for your kitchen!
  • Low maintenance: As previously stated, you won't have to worry about sealing your countertop as it will not stain over time and it's much easier to maintain than a granite countertop.
Advantages of Granite Countertops
  • Extremely Durable: The durability and strength of granite make it an excellent material for countertops. Many homeowners choose it for its beauty and strength, and it will always stand the test of time.
  • Natural-looking Stone: Granite has a natural look that's very appealing to the eye. It will never go out of style because it is a natural stone that can be found in many homes and kitchens across the country.
  • Easy to Maintain: It is easy to maintain and clean as it is naturally resistant to bacteria and other germs. There is no chance of mold and mildew developing on its surface because it repels moisture and keeps surfaces dry.
  • Multiple Usage: It is versatile and can be used in kitchens as well as in bathrooms. It can be used in nearly any room of your home because it is sturdy enough to withstand any wear and tear and still look great for years to come.

As you can see, both have their advantages which is why it's important to weigh your options before making a decision. Both materials are durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear in the kitchen as well as in other areas of the home. However, there may be a few reasons to choose one or the other for your countertops depending on your lifestyle and needs.

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